Monday, September 24, 2007

Cashing In With Facebook Flyers

Perhaps a more appropriate title for this post could be "If You Snooze, You Lose".

Hands up all the people that only just noticed Facebook Flyers.

My hand is up. After staying away from Facebook for a couple of days, I logged in yesterday and immediately noticed the "flyers" down the left hand side (mainly because it was one of those "Get paid to type from home" offers - and whoops, I actually clicked it!).

My first thought was "I wonder who else has started hitting this already?". Surely everyone was all over it? But that didn't stop my brain from racing with ways to put Facebook Flyers Pro to good use. In the end, I ran out of time yesterday to sit down and plot how I was going to make my first million from Facebook. Ironically, running out of time may have actually saved me a lot of time (wasted), because this morning on my first daily visit to ShoeMoney I read this post by Paul from

Damn! looks like someone's been all over it already. Paul didn't just make some chump change using Facebook Flyers Pro - he pretty much did a smash'n'grab! In his ShoeMoney post (and others on his own site) he details his approach fairly throroughly and goes on to mention the measures Facebook have taken to prevent others from taking the same approach. All in all I'd say he took full advantage of the opportunity, so props to Paul!

Still, I don't think all is lost. The Facebook Flyers Pro PPC program is brand new and I think it's starting to stabilise. Perhaps the initial opportunity to make ridiculous amounts of money very fast have been and gone, but just like Adwords, people will start developing solid strategies and practices to use it just as effectively as any other PPC service. It also proves that there are new opportunities arising all the time, you just have to be able to see them, and act when you do (note to self).

So who do you reckon will be first to release an ebook, or special report on Facebook Flyers Pro? (Someone's probably already finished one before I finished that sentence!).

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